
This School District (School District Level Data)
This State (State Level Data)
Total Revenue
Total revenue of this school district.Total revenues include all money that a school district receives over a given year from local, state, and federal sources.
Median value from total revenues of all operating school districts in this state
Spending of this school district.Spending include all money that a school district spend over a given year.
Median value from total spendings of all operating school districts in this state
Revenue / Student
Average revenue per public school student in this school district. It created that figure by dividing the total revenues of this school district by the number of public school students enrolled in this school district
Average revenue per public school student of all operating school districts in this state.
Spending / Student
Average spending per public school student in this school district. It created that figure by dividing the total spending of this school district by the number of public school students enrolled in this school district
Average spending per public school student of all operating school districts in this state.